THE CLASSIC is an Idle that consists of 5 parts: Factory/Mine/City/Farm/Tycoon
Factory: generates 1 material per time
Mine: generates a random amount of material(5g - 400g) per time
City: there is 2 main types of Buildings - Buildings(5 different) and Hotels (6 Different) you have a city with 12 slots to build in
Farm: buy diferent animals to get different food materials out of them
Tycoon: genaretes pure cash once in 30min
You get most of your income by selling diferent materials (for example Wood(factory) or Uranium(mine))
The Game also contains:
-40+ diferent Materials
-7 curencies(dolar, yen, rubl, ancient coins ect.)
-Taxes (water, electricity ect.) that you need to pay from time to time
-Shop where you can buy almost anything(curencies, money, investor status ect.)
-Newspapers and coupons(cases and rewards)
-Places to invest with other player(this mecanic is better to learn by playing)